Conor Clarke - Transition Coach

I am passionate about helping and guiding my clients in discovering and living their authentic life.

My Approach

To clarify what is most important in your life and to create strategies that work towards your desired outcomes.

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Working with your Coach

As an individual your life experience, identity, values and beliefs will be respected.

Let’s Get Started

Step 1

Book 30 minute consultation call

Step 2

Arrange First Session

Step 3

Assess Your Goals & Create Plan

Step 4

Review Progress & Next Steps

“Conor is an excellent coach. He has helped me gain better self-awareness in both professional and personal aspects of my life and has given me practical tools in order to continue to grow and develop. Conor is personable, practical and very understanding. Through our sessions he was attentive and kept me accountable.”

— Anne Marie, Executive Assistant

My Blogs & Reviews


My Top Three Ryan Holiday Books

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The Power of Habit Book Review

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7 Habits Effective People Book Review

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Man’s Search For Meaning Review

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