Firstly, a bit about me…
I am a Transition Coach from Dublin. I provide life, career, assertiveness communication and confidence building coaching services. When I’m not coaching my clients, you’ll find me spending my time reading, hiking, cycling, running, acting or taking part in improv. I also love travelling and have lived abroad in Vancouver in 2019 and explored South-East Asia.
My Passion
I trained with the Irish Lifecoach Institute where I received my Diploma in Personal, Business and Executive Coaching. It was a rewarding journey that has led me to find my own path. I also hold a Certificate in both Career and Relationship Coaching with the Irish Lifecoach Institute as well. I am passionate about helping and guiding my clients in discovering and living their most authentic life.
My Coaching Style
As a coach I will help and support you in reaching your end desire and overcome those limiting self-beliefs that may be holding you back. I will create a safe and trusting environment where you will not be judged and supported along the whole coaching process. This will help you unlock the answers to your own life. My role as a coach is to question, summarise and paraphrase to understand your motives and desires in aiming to provide new awareness and insight for you.
Why work with Me?
I fully believe that we can all live the life that we truly desire and being coached by me I will do my best to help you get the most out of your life that your true potential deserves. In 2014, I began my journey as a trainee accountant and qualified as a chartered accountant in 2018. After I qualified I wanted a new challenge. I felt bored, frustrated and disillusioned because I did not know what I wanted to do with my life. I had lost touch with who I was and was not living in line with my own beliefs and values. By working on my own personal development and doing a Diploma in Personal, Business and Executive Coaching I want to help people who are feeling stuck, lost and are lacking a purpose to their life. I am committed and dedicated to help people to find their own unique life path.