My Top Three Ryan Holiday Books

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During 2020, I read 72 books and would like to share my thoughts on books I found beneficial that might help some people to achieve more success with their personal or professional life or both.

One of my favourite authors Ryan Holiday has three books that I found enjoyable to read. They are discussed below and if you are looking for new material to read this year, the below books could be a good start.

1.The Obstacle Is The Way

This book shows us how we should embrace a difficult challenge and look at ways into achieving success. All that frustration, disappointment and feeling of failure can be used to our advantage if we know how to implement the changes needed to succeed.  It looks at how a person should manage their own perceptions, the action that is needed to be taken and have the will to work towards the end goal. This is a good read for those that want to develop a more positive mindset and attitude in dealing with obstacles within their own life.

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2. Ego Is The Enemy by Ryan Holiday

As the name suggests our own ego is the enemy. The book shows how the ego can hold a person back and can be a danger to their own aspirations, succeeding and failure. The aim is to know when the ego is getting the better of us and how to deal with it. Ryan teaches us to be humble and to show humility about what aspires us, appreciate our successes, to remain persistent and resilient in our failures. We can learn from others who are more experienced, we can help others who need guidance and work with others who share the same interests.  This is a great read to learn more about the ego, how it is apart of our own lives and how to manage it.

The below video by Nathan Lozeron who created Productivity Game explains Ego in great detail based on Ryan’s book.

3. Stillness Is The Key by Ryan Holiday

This book teaches us how to be present in the moment and live in the now. In a busy and pressurised world, Ryan describes ways in how we can look after ourselves by investing in the mind, body and spirit. With the mind it is about being comfortable with our own thoughts and the importance of journaling and writing down how we feel and how it is important to becoming more present with oneself, seeking wisdom and finding confidence. The spirit, Ryan talks about is about our internal-self and we should be looking at our own life instead of comparing ourselves to others. It is about finding more clarity and insight about ourselves and what is most important to us. With the body, it is about embracing solitude, it can be meditation, reading or going for a walk. This a read if you want to find more presence within yourself

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