Career Coaching

You may have went to university, put in the hours of study that was needed and worked hard to get your degree. You start your first job and look forward to building a career in your chosen field. After a while something does not feel right for you. You are bored, frustrated and at times miserable in your current role. You might feel the answer to the problem is to get the next job promotion and make more money. You might feel stuck and are afraid to leave because there is no plan and worry that you might find yourself in a worse situation then you are currently in.

The longer you stay, you feel worse off and accept that the career you wanted to pursue after university is no longer for you. You are tired of leaning against the wrong side of the career ladder.

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As a Career Coach, I work in helping people with career transition coaching. During the career coaching session, we will look at your values, strengths, talents and abilities to discover what career will bring you the most fulfilment and meaning. You can begin a new exciting journey and more importantly live true to yourself. 

We spend over 2,000 hours a year in work and how we feel in work will determine other aspects of your life such as relationships, health, financial and your own self-development. If you feel that the above relates to you then get in touch for a career coaching session for a journey of self-discovery, allow yourself to be curious about your career options and take control of your future.

Career Coaching Services that are provided and listed below:

  • Career Change and Transitions

  • Career and Professional Development

  • Career Planning

  • CV Preparation

  • Interview Preparation

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