Feeling Stuck And How Coaching Can Help

The feeling of being stuck is not a pleasant one. A person can feel frustrated, lost, bored and disillusioned with life with no clear direction and plan where they are going. The person knows they need change and no longer want to feel the way they are. Some people may feel stuck in a job that doesn’t fulfil them and want a new challenge. Some might have been made redundant and can’t find a new role or have been unemployed for a long time. Feeling stuck for a long time can affect confidence, motivation and develop a poor self-image of oneself.

The first step for change and moving forward can be very difficult if you have been stuck for some time. You will have to change your outlook on life and learn to take responsibility for the situation you are in. There may be fears of the unknown with change and worried that things could get worse than they are now. This kind of reaction is common as neuroscience studies have shown the brain is designed to protect us from the unknown even if we are experiencing misery and to stay where we are. The brain is designed to survive and stay in the comfort zone. We can only feel fulfilled and have meaning to our lives when we are choosing to live our own life, make our own decisions and pursue desires that are in line with our values. When you learn to address the fears that are holding you back and realise that you do have a choice in how you live your life then there is nothing stopping you apart for the story you create for yourself which will create your own reality.

There are ways to move forward from being stuck and to work towards change. It takes courage and the small steps are the most important. There is nothing wrong feeling lost, frustrated or even miserable, these feeling don’t determine who you are. In fact, you can look at it as sign that you have not lived to your full potential and there is plenty that you can achieve.

A good way to becoming unstuck is to get help from a coach.  A coach is independent, non-judgemental and will support you in working towards your goals. They will challenge your limiting self-beliefs that may be holding you back and will hold you accountable in reaching your end desire.

Coaching is a process and takes a few sessions to reach your goals. Moving from being and feeling stuck is a transition. Along the coaching journey you will gain new awareness and insight about yourself. You will get to work on your own personal development. Clients are looking for a more fulfilling life that has meaning and purpose. Throughout the coaching relationship a client will learn how to set goals, plan their action steps, look at all options that are available to them and decide the best course of action to take to achieve their goal.

A coach will help their client with their personal or professional desires. A coach will respect their client as an individual and allow them to express their identity, situation, beliefs and values in a trusting and safe environment.  The journey of thinking of living a more successful life may feel overwhelming and scary. It might feel easier to stay where you are in this state of feeling stuck. Coaching is a great way to take control over your life, to take control over the steering wheel and the live that the life that your true potential deserves. Working with a coach, they will equip you with the tools that will allow you to develop your self-awareness and to gain new insights about yourself from a different perspective and fresh approach. Staying stuck is a choice and you need to decide what you would regret more. Trying or not trying at all!


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